New Beginnings

For the past four years, I have obsessively devoured blogs (mostly of the healthy living variety).  I figured it was about high time I started my own blog.  While I would love to have one central focus of this blog, I am afraid it’s nearly impossible for me to focus on just one or two topics, day in and day out.  So, this blog will be my random musings (mostly involving my “lust” life).  As a young college student, I have the typical (and not so typical) problems that any young person has.  This is where I will spill my guts about everything because I’m pretty sure my friends are a little sick of hearing about my problems all day, errryyyday.  This blog comes at a time when I am starting over.  Fresh out of a terribly tumultuous relationship, I am excited for what life has in store for me.  I dream big and I am extremely independent.

I have many interests and this blog will definitely reflect a number of those interests.  After each post, I will share a jam of the day, which will be a song that I am currently obsessed with.  I have a very broad range of taste in music so there will be everything from underground hip-hop, indie, folk, dubstep, techno, oldies, blues, jazz, etc.  My current favorite artists include Atmosphere, the Avett Brothers, Phoenix, MC Chris, Of Montreal, and Baby Baby.  I am going to pimp out bands that are not very well known and hopefully create a bigger fan base for some of the smaller bands I love.

So, before I go, I am going to give a cliff notes version of my life at the present.  Currently, I am pining over my ex boyfriend’s “best friend”, who I will refer to as “green”.  Hence, the name of this blog.  Green and I have extremely similar personalities and outlooks on life.  I don’t know what’s going to happen with that situation, but a lot of things are standing in my way.  What I do know is that I we are soul mates and I can’t comprehend us not ending up together.  We are just too perf for each other.  That’s it in a nutshell.  Green will be a big part of this blog; the good, the bad, and the ugly.  SO LET’S GOOOOOO!

jam of the day: “You” – Atmosphere


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